How ordering works
The easiest way to produce custom parts
1. Upload your part
Select 3D printing, CNC machining, injection molding, or sheet metal fabrication, according to the needs of your project. Finalize your 3D CAD file and then upload it to our quote page for instant pricing and a simple ordering process.
2. View prices instantly
Thanks to our instant quote service, you can view the cost of printing your parts as soon as you upload them.
3. Edit Parameters
Select the specific details for your order, such as color, material, and quantity. Before checkout, choose the best shipping option to fit your needs and then place your order!
Optimize your design
Our instant quoting page automatically analyzes your order and predicts a lead time and price. You can adjust the specifications of your order to refine the results if you need a faster production time, or select expedited shipping for a quickest delivery possible.
Collaborate with our team
Anytime you need assistance with design, uploading, or placing your order, our team is on hand to help you out! You can contact us at the link below so we can reach out and provide what you need. We can collaborate on all aspects of your project, from CAD file work by our professional designers, to finding the best shipping option to work for your project timeline.
Accurate price guarantee
Our instant quote engine will always quote you an accurate price. You won’t encounter any surprise fees or costs after placing your order. Once you select your quantities, colors, materials, and finishes for your order, you can choose your shipping option and receive an invoice in your mailbox within minutes.
A smooth manufacturing process
We manufacture your parts
Using our professional-grade 3D printers, sheet metal, and CNC machines, we produce your parts made-to-order according to your exact specifications. Every job we complete is backed by our Quality Guarantee. Read more about our Quality Standards in the next section.
The JawsTec Standard ensures quality
Our quality standards are exceptional. If we have issues with producing your parts or quality concerns, we will communicate with you as soon as possible and help you resolve the problem. Additionally, if you are not satisfied with your parts upon receiving them, you can contact us and we will work with you to fix the issue. We are ISO 9001:2015 certified and ITAR registered.
Track your order
After your order is marked as shipped, you will receive an email with your tracking number. Depending on the type of shipping you selected at checkout, your order will be at your doorstep within a few days. If you have concerns about tracking or shipping, email us at [email protected].
Get expert assistance from our Team
Our team is on hand to assist you whenever you have issues. We will do our best to help you resolve any problems you encounter when ordering, uploading, or fixing files that are corrupted. Additionally, we can provide in-house design help with your CAD files, starting at $50/hour.
Make the most of JawsTec
However you choose to use JawsTec’s services, we hope that they fulfill your needs. Take advantage of our customer services, each of our fabrication job types, and our easily accessible webpage and shop.
What type of printers do you use?
We print using the MJF 4200/5210 machines from HP, along with the EOS P396/P770 and XYZ 230 machines.
Do you offer 3D scanning off an existing model?
Sadly we do not offer this service.
Do you print in color?
We now offer HP full-color printing. If order to get a quote, you will need a .3MF file.
What kind of turn-around time can I expect?
We strive for a 4-5 business day turnaround time.
What material is the most impact resistant?
MJF Polypropylene.
Can I email or phone in an order?
We prefer that orders are placed in our instant quote engine. If you need help through the process, please contact us.
What wall thickness should my parts have?
We suggest that your prints contain a wall thickness of 1 mm or more. Any thinner, and we cannot assure the quality of your parts.
What is the shore hardness of your TPU?
The shore hardness of your TPU is 86A.
What types of post-processing finishes do you offer?
We offer raw, tumbling, polished, and vapor polished post processing finishes for our prints.
Do you offer CAD design work?
Yes, we have a CAD designer available for hire starting at $50/hour. For info on this service, email [email protected].